Banting Monkey Gland Sauce

The flavour monkey gland sauce adds to a steak is a personal favourite. Here is a recipe adapted to include Banting friendly ingredients. The balsamic vinegar and the cooking over a low heat aid the caremlisation of the onions which add sweetness and a tangy barbecue style flavour. Best with grilled steak.

1T olive oil
1 large onion cut into rings
1T balsamic vinegar
1t Worcestershire sauce (try to find one with low/no sugar and no preservatives)
1 cup sugar free pasta sauce (I use a homemade recipe from my Cookbook)

Gently fry the onions in the oil until translucent. It is important to keep the heat low. Add the balsamic vinegar and turn down the heat. Stir the onions until they are soft and caremelised. Add the Worcestershire and pasta sauce and stir until the flavours have been absorbed by the onions.


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