Homemade Moisturising Body Scrub

My husband and sons have gone off to see the latest farming equipment at an agricultural show this morning, leaving me home alone to enjoy some pampering me time. Having conditioned my hair with my favourite anti-frizz conditioner and feeling soft and revitalised after using my body scrub, I decided to place this EASY recipe that can be made in minutes.

1 cup light brown sugar
1 - 1.5 cups olive oil
5 drops of your favourite essential oil.

Mix in a pretty jar and use.

Tips: I use olive oil, not the more expensive extra virgin. You can infuse the oil with your favourite herbs such as rosemary or thyme for 2 weeks and then use this!
If you prefer use half a cup of white sugar infused with lavender or vanilla and half a cup of brown sugar.

You will save some money and know exactly what you are putting on your skin. I only use this on my body as the sugar can be too hard on your face.
I was recently given an expensive tub of body scrub. I read the ingredients and combined the oils listed in my own scrub. It was great fun creating my signature bath treat and developing one for each of my special friends as a gift for them based on what I thought they would like!


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