Notes from my kitchen 2 - Today is Dairy Day

This morning I decided to make rusks - a South African biscuit very much like biscotti, but made with muesli, buttermilk and wholewheat flour. They are delicious dunked in your early morning coffee when you need a boost, but don't have time for breakfast.
I need buttermilk to make this so I decided to use the cream from our dairy to make butter. Butter is easy to make and you get the added advantage of buttermilk as a by product, which is wonderful for baking! (see my tomato and feta savoury muffin recipe)

When making any dairy products, it is important to ensure all your ingredients are at room temperature.
If you can get your cream from a local dairy, do so it makes such a difference. 1L of cream makes about 400g of butter and 500ml of buttermilk, but this can vary.

Place the cream in a food processor and set the speed at medium. Run the motor until the cream starts to separate (10-15 minutes). Stop the processor and pour off the buttermilk. Repeat this process until no liquid remains in the processor, just butter. Then run the butter under a cold water tap to wash it. Use a large spoon or spatula to remove any excess water from the butter. Place in your butter dish and enjoy!
Add 1T of your favourite fresh herbs to 100ml of butter for herb butter. Serve with homemade bread. This is delicious with beer bread too.

I then made some yoghurt (the recipe is in my cookbook) as I wanted to make some banana bread for my sons. They love this as an afternoon snack, especially the recipe in my cookbook to which I add coconut and dates.

I will use the butter to ice the vanilla cupcakes I have just taken out of the oven. Both my sons have baker's day at school this week. I will ice them with a basic white frosting and decorate them with different coloured squares as this is the theme at nursery this week.

Hope you can use my ideas or find your own in your kitchen too.


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