Crunchy Chocolate Sandwich Biscuits
My son loves chocolate biscuits and I wanted to give him a homemade version. I have added a cup of cornflakes to give them some crunch. These biscuits are softer than bought ones, but that is because they have less sugar and no trans fats.
250 g butter or
margarine, softened
250 ml (210 g)
castor sugar
1 extra-large egg
80 ml (35 g) cocoa
500 ml (280 g)
Snowflake cake flower
5 ml baking powder
2 ml salt
375 ml (120 g)
desiccated coconut
1 cup crushed cornflakes
Preheat the oven to 180C.
Sift flour, baking powder cocoa and salt. Add coconut and cornflakes ( I crush mine in a pestle and mortar).
Cream the butter and
sugar together until pale. Add the beaten egg, and mix in well together with 1T of the dry ingredients
Add the remainder of the dry ingredients to creamed mixture and
mix to a soft dough.
Roll dough into
heaped teaspoon-size balls and place onto greased baking trays, leaving enough
space for spreading. Press down gently with a fork. Bake at 180 °C for 15-20 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool.
Make the filling and sandwich two biscuits together. Store in an airtight container.
7.5 ml butter or margarine
30 ml (25 g) sugar
40 ml fresh cream
15 ml milk
2.5 ml vanilla essence
165g icing sugar
15 ml cocoa powder
Melt butter and
sugar in a small saucepan. Stir over medium heat. Add cream and milk. Remove
from heat and add essence.Sift icing sugar
and cocoa powder together and add to liquid mixture. Mix to a smooth,
spreadable consistency. Sandwich two biscuits together with filling.
Tip: I use this filling recipe to ice my favourite chocolate loaf recipe which I previously published on my blog.
Click here to view the chocolate loaf recipe
Click here to view the chocolate loaf recipe
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